Thursday, February 16, 2006

Welcoming Show Them Through Me

I would like to say hello and welcome to my latest blog renter, Annette from
Show Them Through Me Please pay her a visit and tell her Bethany sent you!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Elijah's Surgery

On Monday we took my 9 month old son, Elijah to have surgery. He was born with six fingers on his right hand, actually he has two thumbs. Elijah was 4 days old before we even noticed that he had a 6th digit as they call it. He keeps the thumbs tucked under so its not even noticable. We had to have the extra one removed because he couldn't use either one with the way they are. So the doctors had to remove the one and then they might have to reconstruct the real thumb so that he'll be able to use it. On Sunday, the day before his surgery he started pulling the extra thumb away from the other one, so that he could suck on the one that they were going to take off. When we first started taking him to the doctor for this, we asked the doctor what caused him to be born with a 6th digit and they said it was just a birth defect and its quite normal now days. I also found out that the birth control I was on can cause things like this to happen. I have joined a law suit against the birth control company. Elijah never once acted like the extra thumb ever bothered him, but Kirk and I wanted him to have normal use of his thumbs. Elijah also had to have tubes put in his ears. He started getting ear infections when he was about 3 months old and nothing would help him get rid of them. So they put tubes in his ears and he did good for about the first month and then he came down with another ear infection. That's not all for this little man, he also has Asthma. Elijah has so many health problems at such an early age. I just ask that everyone keep my little man in your prayers that God give him a strong and healthier life.

Goodbye and Thank You

I'd like to say goodbye and thank you to my very first "Young's Bed and Breakfast" guest. Reflections In the Mirror was my first blog renter. I hope she enjoyed her stay here and if you have not visited her, please stop by her blog and tell her Bethany sent you.
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Monday, February 13, 2006

Long Pretty Hair

Yesterday at church my mother in law told Kylie that her hair was getting long and pretty. She looked at Nana and said "yeah it looks like my mommy's hair on her arm pits". I looked at her and said "what did you say"? She looked back at me and said it again and I told her that that wasn't true and she said "yeah I know I just felt like saying it". I was embarrassed once again.

Mini Vacation

My husband and I left Thursday morning and got back on Saturday afternoon from our mini vacation. We didn't go far from home, maybe like 2 hours or so, because our van started acting funny again. We didn't want to get somewhere way off and get stranded. The first day we were gone we just went and relaxed in a quiet hotel. Then Friday we went to a huge outlet mall and did some shopping. I started my Christmas shopping already, and this is very unusual for me. Considering I usually wait to about 2 months before and start then. We found some awesome deals. I love to find a bargain. Bythat night I was so tired I could have went to bed early, but the hotel we stayed in had a pool and Kirk wanted to go swimming. He stayed down there and swam until midnight. I just watched them all swim, I'm not the type that wants all my fat rolls hanging out for the world to see. Saturday morning we got around and we went for a long joy ride and sight seeing. Then about noon we headed home. The kids were so excited to see us. I couldn't wait to go on this vacation to have some time alone away from all the stress. Yet while on the vacation I couldn't wait to get back to the kids, I really missed them. My husband and I enjoyed the time we had together. I told him that I would like to go again sometime soon, and preferably before 7 years. Its nice to get away once in awhile without the kids. Sometimes you just need to get away before your mind blows up.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Apology For Not Welcoming My Guest Sooner

I must apologize to my first blog renter, Reflections In The Mirror for not welcoming her before this late date. My husband and I left on our "mini vacation" on Thursday morning- no phone, no kids, no chores, no computer...just some quality time spent together. If you have not visited Reflections In The Mirror, please do so soon and tell her that Bethany sent you.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Daddy's Little Girl

Over the past few days I have done a lot of thinking back to my wedding day. I think it's because my sister is getting married this summer. My wedding was planned in 12 days, and I knew what I wanted. On the day of my wedding I wasn't nervous until almost time for the wedding to begin. My dad came up to me and hugged me so tight that I could hardly breath, as he was hugging me he said to me " I'll take care of you and the baby ", " I'll give you any amount of money you want, just don't do this ". I couldn't help but cry, because I love my dad so much that it hurt, but yet I loved the guy I was about to be married to. I went ahead and got married. My dad cried walking me down the aisle, and during the wedding. I knew he was crying and I couldn't help but to cry. I was my dad's first daughter and I knew I was his baby girl. When I was younger I went to 4H camp for a week, when he came back to pick me after the week was over and he hugged me so tight and told me " don't ever go away again ". I wasn't ever a bad kid growing up, I was just really mouthy. I would mouth back to everything they said to me. Now that I'm older and have kids of my own, I'm sorry I ever did that to my parents. I have never really told my Dad how much I love him and if I could I would. I often hear the song Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carsile, and think of my dad and I. Even though my dad didn't do the things in the song, it still reminds me of a relationship my dad and I have. You would never know my dad and I to be very close but in my heart he holds a very special place and always will. My dad was never the kind of person to tell you that he was proud of something we did or that he loved us, but we always knew he did. I had a very hard time with school and he never thought I would make it all the way through, but on graduation night he told me that he thought I would never make it and I did. My dad would always beat around the bush in telling you things like this, instead of coming right out and telling you. I have 3 other sisters and I'm sure it's going to be just as hard for him on their wedding days as it was for mine. But I will always be Daddy's Little Girl. I Love you, Dad!!!!!

Time Alone

On February 9, My husband and I are taking a little vacation. We are having my mother in law watch the kids and we're going to Lancaster, PA. We are going to have 4 days with no kids, no phones, no bills, no family and no friends. We never really got a honeymoon because of the timing and no money. My husband promised me when we had our last baby in May 2005 he would take me on a weekend getaway. Sometimes I get so stressed that I need a break, and as a mother everyone knows that that doesn't happen very often. I'm looking so forward to this getaway I can hardly wait. Life is going to be put on hold for a few days just for my husband and I to go away for the weekend.

Birthday Bash

Yesterday we celebrated 3 of my 4 kids birthdays. My oldest son turned 6 on January 22, my oldest daughter turned 4 on the 24th of January and the youngest daughter will be 2 on February 15th. So since being so close together we combined the birthday's into one party. The girls wanted a Dora theme, and my son wanted a Scooby Doo theme. So my mother in law made the cakes and decorated them for me. I didn't buy any crate paper or balloons because I had stuff left over from last year. Well the morning of the

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Financial Blessings

My husband was laid off from his job in the middle of November for the winter months. We applied that week for and of course there's the waiting week and then they send you all this paper work to fill out and send back. Well they sent us numerous papers to fill out and send back over the course of 2 months. Well several more weeks go by and we hadn't heard anything from them, so I told my husband to call them and find out what is going on with it. When he called they told him he was trying to draw benefits off a different employer than the one he was really suppose to be drawing from. Well in 30 minutes time on the phone that part got figured out and they asked Kirk to send them a copy of the W2 they wanted. I don't work, my job as a and a mother is stressful enough. So we've had no money in almost 3 months. This morning I was walking down the hall from getting my son clothes for school, and it was like a voice telling me to check the status of the unemployment and I kept saying " no I'm not going to check that right now ". Every time I would check the unemployment I would get so discouraged and frustrated, because it would say them same old thing, Your claim is still in pending status. So I wouldn't check it very often, maybe every Sunday when he has to file his weekly claim and that would be it. So finally I give in to this voice telling me check it and so as my son was getting dressed I checked it really quick. Well come to find out they mailed his waiting week check on the 1st, and he will now get unemployment until he goes back to work in April. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!! Also today at 4pm we go to do our taxes. It will seem so nice to have money again, especially with 4 and 2 of them are in diapers, plus you wouldn't believe the laundry I have to do a day. We've been pinching pennies so much, that there were no more pennies to be pinched. Gas money we would have to borrow from his mom and dad. Thank God for PARENTS!!!!!! I told me husband a few weeks ago that his unemployment would go through about the time we do our taxes. Boy did I have that one called all right. So as you can see the unemployment checks and the taxes are an answered prayer from GOD!!!!! Just trust in him.