Monday, June 05, 2006
My Dream Friday Night
I was dreaming that I got pregnant again. During the pregnancy I was getting big fast and they did an ultrasound and found that we were having twins, YIKES. At about 30 Weeks I was having problems and they had to do a c-section. Well during the c-section they said "Bethany we don't know how to tell you this" and I'm getting all upset and I'm like "why what's wrong"? They called Kirk into the room and they said "well your not having 2 you have 4". Kirk mouth dropped to the floor and he's like "what". I told the doctors I had an hard enough time coming up with two names we liked, let alone come up with two more. We ended up with 2 girls and 2 boys. After they were all born someone from Walmart came in and donated cribs, car seats, high chairs, diapers, wipes and formula to us. There was a lady from the newspaper there and everything. People from the community came and offered their time to help out with the babies and the house work. When it was time to release me from the hospital the were kind of delaying paper work and all of that, because a news reporter came in and another guy from a car dealership. The guy from the dealership announced that they were giving us a brand new 12 passenger van, and they handed the keys to my husband and he started crying. I could not imagine going from 4 kids to 8 just like that. I told my husband about the dream and he said "woman your crazy". Most of the time when I dream they come true, kind of scary. I prayed all morning "Lord please don't ever bless me that way". I love my kids to death, but I could never handle 8 kids at once. Please pray that this dream never comes true for me.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
God knew just what he was doing!!!!
My husband went to work on Tuesday morning and the boss asked him to take the work 4 wheeler and got fix the fence to the cow pasture. He asked the boss for someone to go with him to help him. The boss said there wasn't really anyone left to help, so my husband went alone. Well on the other side of the fence that he had to fix is a really steep hill and it drops off on the back side of it into gully. When Kirk pulled up to this part to fix it the ground on this hill gave way and the 4 wheeler ended up upside down on top of Kirk pinning him there and no way out. Kirk was pinned between the 4 wheeler and a barbed wire fence and the fence was pressed into his groin area. He tried and tried to get out but no luck. He yelled and yelled for help and still nothing. He said all he could do was pray and pray some more that God would help him. After lying there for 30 minutes and no help he managed to get the wire out of his groin and squirmed out from underneath it. He got out just in time, because the wire fence broke lose and the 4 wheeler rolled down the hill 4 more times and if he didn't get when he did he would have gone with the 4 wheeler. The lord was watching out for Kirk, but the lord also had Kirk just where he wanted him. Kirk has been going through a hard time right now and always feeling depressed. He wanted to leave me and the kids, because he was sick of fighting all the time, but you see the lord had him right where he wanted him to realize things in his life were not right and that he needed to wake up and change some things in his life. Kirk says he knows that the lord was with him and he is so thankful for giving him a wake up call and another chance to live for him. I'm thankful for the lord doing a work in our lives and trusting that he will help us along the way.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Elijah's 1st Birthday!!
Elijah turned 1 on Wednesday May 10th, 2006. It doesn't seem possible that he could possibly be a year old. Seems like I just had him a few weeks ago. Where does the time go?? We celebrated his birthday Saturday with a party. He got right into his cake, he didn't know what to think of the cake feeling on his hand, he was trying to shake the cake and frosting off. It was so cute. Our oldest one didn't want nothing to do with the cake. We had a great time celebrating his birthday with family and friends.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Kylie's Questions about Heaven
This past weekend my husband and I were talking to Kylie about the lord and heaven. She wanted to know how you get to heaven. Kirk and I were telling her on her level so she would understand, and she understood more than I thought she would. She still keeps asking why do we have to stay in heaven forever, after we die. She just tells us she wants to be able to come back home and live with mommy and daddy. Then she said " Mommy where will we all sleep"? And I told her that "Jesus has really big beds there for everyone and there bigger than mommy and daddy's bed." She looks at me with really big eyes and says "really, that's awesome". There was silence for a few minutes and then she comes and asks me " well what if we get bored in heaven "? I told her " Kylie there will be no time in heaven to be bored, we'll be with Jesus". She looked at me with her hands in the air and said " come on mom like Jesus is gonna want to play with me and Cyrus everyday ", I looked at her as serious as can be and could not help but laugh. I just told her " I bet he will ". After that she walked away for a few minutes and came back and asked me " ok where are we gonna eat mom"? I told her "we'll be eating a feast with Jesus at really big table", and then she says " yeah like that table is gonna be big enough for everybody to eat at once". I just started laughing. After that she left me alone about the heaven thing. She still asks questions everyday. She always comes up with something. Yesterday she said " I don't want to die just to go to heaven, that would be silly". I said " why not heaven is a much better place than here". She finally asked " ok if I want to go to heaven than what do I have to do"? We told her you have to pray and ask Jesus into your heart, and she asked how do I do that, so we had her repeat what we said and she thought that was the greatest thing that she asked Jesus into her heart and went around telling everyone.
Tech Tags: family children Mommy Daddy son daugher kids church God Lord Jesus parents school home play work
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Red Seedless Grape Scare
This morning as I was getting Elijah dressed, Kylie was in the kitchen I wasn't really sure what she was doing. As I'm on the livingroom floor dressing thebaby , she comes walking towards me and I noticed her face looking a porcelain colored and then she started pointing to her throat and I realized she was choking on something and not sure what. I grab her and started hitting her back and nothing happened. I tried getting it out and tried the heimlich on her over and over and still nothing by this time I'm calling 911 and still trying. While on the phone with 911 Kylie was completely blue and she collapsed on the floor and she had no heartbeat and wasn't breathing. I'm panicking!! I tried picking her up to do the heimlich on her again and she's so limp, it was like she was dead. I tried the heimlich again a few more times, still on the phone with 911 and finally I got the food out, and found out that it was a big red seedless grape and it was whole. I got her up and she started crying and of course I was crying. She said her throat and tummy hurt. The ambulance was already on its way and the 911 dispatcher said since she's so young we still have to come and make sure she's okay. After a few minutes on the phone she asked me if I was okay for her to let me go and I told her yes. After getting of the phone I was still upset and crying, I almost lost my little girl. My husband was at work and his boss went to get him and bring him home, and then my in laws showed up, everyone was so worked up. When the ambulance got here they checked her all over and said her oxygen was 100% and her blood pressure was good. They said it was up to us whether they took her to the hospital since she was okay. We said if she got worse and if anything else happened we would take her to the doctor. Once the Ambulance crew left Kylie told me and Nana that she can't be killed yet, because she wasn't ready to go to heaven. I told her no we're not ready for you to go to heaven either. I'm so thankful she's okay and that she's still here with us. The lord is on our side.
family children Mommy Daddy son daugher kids church God Lord Jesus parents school home play work husband wife baby
family children Mommy Daddy son daugher kids church God Lord Jesus parents school home play work husband wife baby
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Getting Dressed
Yesterday I was in my bedroom getting dressed and my husband was in there with me. Kylie comes to the door and my husband said to her " go out to the livingroom and we'll be right out, mommy is changing ". She looked at him and said "well Daddy you need to come out because boys are not suppose to see girls changing". We started to laugh and then we had to tell her that its different for Mommy's and Daddy's. She looked back at me and said " well boys and girls can't be in the same room when their getting dressed, not even mommy's and daddy's, that's just gross". Then she said " daddy close your eyes until mommy is done ". We just gave up on this one, she's just to serious.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Cyrus's Parent Teacher Conference
Yesterday I had a parent teacher conference for my son Cyrus. We moved here in January and he had to come to a new school from where he started. The teacher said she thinks he's adjusted just fine and has lots of new friends. I agreed with the teacher on that. Then she was telling me how he was doing in other areas. He does good with knowing his letters and numbers ( except when you get to the teen numbers ). She said he needs to work on writing them out though, he also needs to work on site words. I've noticed he has trouble with ryming words as well, nothing I'm too concerned about. Then she said he does great with patterns and charts. The last thing he needs to work on his learning to tie his own shoes. This teacher has an absolute fight if the kids can't tie their own shoes. I thought that kids learned this kind of stuff in Kindergarten. The teacher also told me some other things she's teaching these kids and you'd swear your kid was getting ready to go off to college or something. What has kindergarten turned into?? My son has to get up at 6:30am to be ready for the bus at 7:20am, he's gone to school all day and doesn't get home until 3:30pm everyday. This is a very long day for a kindergarten if you ask me.
Never Ending
Lately I've had a hard time finding time to put anything new on here. Everything seems to be really hectic. At times I feel like I'm being pulled in 100 different directions and never have any time for anything else. Over the past few weeks we've had doctor's appointments, WIC, parent teacher conference, and a few other appointments in there as well. Then in there we have church Sunday morning, Sunday night and then again Thursday nights. The past few nights I haven't been sleeping the greatest and I've been waking up with headaches. So with the restless nights and the headches I seem to wear out faster. In amongst this crazy life I have to fit grocery shopping in there. My 2 sisters that are in college came home last week and with everything going on I didn't see them much. They went back to college Monday and now they won't be back until May. Our friends want us to come over and visit, which we hardly ever have time for and then of course there's family that wants to see you as well. Where does it ever end??
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Belated Goodbye and Thank You
I would like to say I am very sorry for not saying goodbye and thank you to Show Them through Me. If you haven't checked out the blog yet, I encourage you to do so. Be sure to say that Bethany sent you. Once again I'm very sorry and want to thank you.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Welcoming Show Them Through Me
I would like to say hello and welcome to my latest blog renter, Annette from
Show Them Through Me Please pay her a visit and tell her Bethany sent you!
Show Them Through Me Please pay her a visit and tell her Bethany sent you!
Tags: blog
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Elijah's Surgery

On Monday we took my 9 month old son, Elijah to have surgery. He was born with six fingers on his right hand, actually he has two thumbs. Elijah was 4 days old before we even noticed that he had a 6th digit as they call it. He keeps the thumbs tucked under so its not even noticable. We had to have the extra one removed because he couldn't use either one with the way they are. So the doctors had to remove the one and then they might have to reconstruct the real thumb so that he'll be able to use it. On Sunday, the day before his surgery he started pulling the extra thumb away from the other one, so that he could suck on the one that they were going to take off. When we first started taking him to the doctor for this, we asked the doctor what caused him to be born with a 6th digit and they said it was just a birth defect and its quite normal now days. I also found out that the birth control I was on can cause things like this to happen. I have joined a law suit against the birth control company. Elijah never once acted like the extra thumb ever bothered him, but Kirk and I wanted him to have normal use of his thumbs. Elijah also had to have tubes put in his ears. He started getting ear infections when he was about 3 months old and nothing would help him get rid of them. So they put tubes in his ears and he did good for about the first month and then he came down with another ear infection. That's not all for this little man, he also has Asthma. Elijah has so many health problems at such an early age. I just ask that everyone keep my little man in your prayers that God give him a strong and healthier life.
Goodbye and Thank You

I'd like to say goodbye and thank you to my very first "Young's Bed and Breakfast" guest. Reflections In the Mirror was my first blog renter. I hope she enjoyed her stay here and if you have not visited her, please stop by her blog and tell her Bethany sent you.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Long Pretty Hair
Yesterday at church my mother in law told Kylie that her hair was getting long and pretty. She looked at Nana and said "yeah it looks like my mommy's hair on her arm pits". I looked at her and said "what did you say"? She looked back at me and said it again and I told her that that wasn't true and she said "yeah I know I just felt like saying it". I was embarrassed once again.
Mini Vacation
My husband and I left Thursday morning and got back on Saturday afternoon from our mini vacation. We didn't go far from home, maybe like 2 hours or so, because our van started acting funny again. We didn't want to get somewhere way off and get stranded. The first day we were gone we just went and relaxed in a quiet hotel. Then Friday we went to a huge outlet mall and did some shopping. I started my Christmas shopping already, and this is very unusual for me. Considering I usually wait to about 2 months before and start then. We found some awesome deals. I love to find a bargain. Bythat night I was so tired I could have went to bed early, but the hotel we stayed in had a pool and Kirk wanted to go swimming. He stayed down there and swam until midnight. I just watched them all swim, I'm not the type that wants all my fat rolls hanging out for the world to see. Saturday morning we got around and we went for a long joy ride and sight seeing. Then about noon we headed home. The kids were so excited to see us. I couldn't wait to go on this vacation to have some time alone away from all the stress. Yet while on the vacation I couldn't wait to get back to the kids, I really missed them. My husband and I enjoyed the time we had together. I told him that I would like to go again sometime soon, and preferably before 7 years. Its nice to get away once in awhile without the kids. Sometimes you just need to get away before your mind blows up.
Tags: vacation, sight seeing, kids
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Apology For Not Welcoming My Guest Sooner

I must apologize to my first blog renter, Reflections In The Mirror for not welcoming her before this late date. My husband and I left on our "mini vacation" on Thursday morning- no phone, no kids, no chores, no computer...just some quality time spent together. If you have not visited Reflections In The Mirror, please do so soon and tell her that Bethany sent you.
Tags: mini vacation, blog, husband, kids, chores
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Daddy's Little Girl
Over the past few days I have done a lot of thinking back to my wedding day. I think it's because my sister is getting married this summer. My wedding was planned in 12 days, and I knew what I wanted. On the day of my wedding I wasn't nervous until almost time for the wedding to begin. My dad came up to me and hugged me so tight that I could hardly breath, as he was hugging me he said to me " I'll take care of you and the baby ", " I'll give you any amount of money you want, just don't do this ". I couldn't help but cry, because I love my dad so much that it hurt, but yet I loved the guy I was about to be married to. I went ahead and got married. My dad cried walking me down the aisle, and during the wedding. I knew he was crying and I couldn't help but to cry. I was my dad's first daughter and I knew I was his baby girl. When I was younger I went to 4H camp for a week, when he came back to pick me after the week was over and he hugged me so tight and told me " don't ever go away again ". I wasn't ever a bad kid growing up, I was just really mouthy. I would mouth back to everything they said to me. Now that I'm older and have kids of my own, I'm sorry I ever did that to my parents. I have never really told my Dad how much I love him and if I could I would. I often hear the song Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carsile, and think of my dad and I. Even though my dad didn't do the things in the song, it still reminds me of a relationship my dad and I have. You would never know my dad and I to be very close but in my heart he holds a very special place and always will. My dad was never the kind of person to tell you that he was proud of something we did or that he loved us, but we always knew he did. I had a very hard time with school and he never thought I would make it all the way through, but on graduation night he told me that he thought I would never make it and I did. My dad would always beat around the bush in telling you things like this, instead of coming right out and telling you. I have 3 other sisters and I'm sure it's going to be just as hard for him on their wedding days as it was for mine. But I will always be Daddy's Little Girl. I Love you, Dad!!!!!
Tags: wedding day, sisters, Dad, parents
Time Alone
On February 9, My husband and I are taking a little vacation. We are having my mother in law watch the kids and we're going to Lancaster, PA. We are going to have 4 days with no kids, no phones, no bills, no family and no friends. We never really got a honeymoon because of the timing and no money. My husband promised me when we had our last baby in May 2005 he would take me on a weekend getaway. Sometimes I get so stressed that I need a break, and as a mother everyone knows that that doesn't happen very often. I'm looking so forward to this getaway I can hardly wait. Life is going to be put on hold for a few days just for my husband and I to go away for the weekend.
Birthday Bash
Yesterday we celebrated 3 of my 4 kids birthdays. My oldest son turned 6 on January 22, my oldest daughter turned 4 on the 24th of January and the youngest daughter will be 2 on February 15th. So since being so close together we combined the birthday's into one party. The girls wanted a Dora theme, and my son wanted a Scooby Doo theme. So my mother in law made the cakes and decorated them for me. I didn't buy any crate paper or balloons because I had stuff left over from last year. Well the morning of theparty wouldn't you know I couldn't find the birthday decorations anywhere in the boxes. So on our way to the church to get ready for the party, we had to stop and get a few last minute things I needed for the pasta salad I made and the chip dip I forgot. So wouldn't you know I had to stop and try to get some decorations some where along the way. We made several stops and no one had anything. We made one last stop, crossing our fingers hoping they had something. Well they did and of course it costed an arm and a leg too. When we got to the church I finished making my salad, and tried to get the decorating done. I had a little list for my husband to pick up when he went to get the pizzas. He spent $30 on a pinata and 3 bags of mixed candy, which was more than I told him to spend, hhhhrrrrr. Well by the time he got back there were people already there and people calling and asking how to spell my youngest daughters name, which is Kiara. The baby crying and I picked him up and smelled that he had messed his diaper. I run to change him and come back trying to get my husband to get people going through the dinner line. He asks someone to pray pray over the food and the people are finally on their way through the line. Kids running everywhere, hitting each other with balloons and 2 kids are fighting with each other, and then Kylie thinks she has to fall and hit her head. She's crying and I try comforting her, no such luck there, she wants Nana. After everyone is done eating the kids do the pinata, and gather their candy for their loot bags. One more task done and a few more to go. We got everyone around to do the cake and sing Happy Birthday. My husband cut the cake for everyone and boy did he ever make a mess of that. The ice cream was in the walk in freezer, which wasn't cold enough, and that ended up more like a milkshake than anything. The kids are begging to do the gifts and the weather is getting nasty out, so we do gifts. Try doing gifts for 3 different kids at the same time. Very confusing!!! Once there are done with that then we had clean up and load the van. I started cleaning up as Kirk loaded the van. I thought that everything was done and realized that the dishes didn't get done, and Kirk already had the kids loaded, so I had to wash FAST. When we got ready to leave the weather let up some and I was relieved. That was a long stressful day. I had no idea a party for 3 kids would be so much work, and to think I thought it would be easier to just have one party than two separate parties. I honestly think that I would rather do separate parties for the kids than to combine them another year. The only thing that was easier was that it was cheaper to do one for all the kids than to have two separate parties. What a HECTIC day!!!!!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Financial Blessings
My husband was laid off from his job in the middle of November for the winter months. We applied that week for Unemployment and of course there's the waiting week and then they send you all this paper work to fill out and send back. Well they sent us numerous papers to fill out and send back over the course of 2 months. Well several more weeks go by and we hadn't heard anything from them, so I told my husband to call them and find out what is going on with it. When he called they told him he was trying to draw benefits off a different employer than the one he was really suppose to be drawing from. Well in 30 minutes time on the phone that part got figured out and they asked Kirk to send them a copy of the W2 they wanted. I don't work, my job as a housewife and a mother is stressful enough. So we've had no money in almost 3 months. This morning I was walking down the hall from getting my son clothes for school, and it was like a voice telling me to check the status of the unemployment and I kept saying " no I'm not going to check that right now ". Every time I would check the unemployment I would get so discouraged and frustrated, because it would say them same old thing, Your claim is still in pending status. So I wouldn't check it very often, maybe every Sunday when he has to file his weekly claim and that would be it. So finally I give in to this voice telling me check it and so as my son was getting dressed I checked it really quick. Well come to find out they mailed his waiting week check on the 1st, and he will now get unemployment until he goes back to work in April. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!! Also today at 4pm we go to do our taxes. It will seem so nice to have money again, especially with 4 kids and 2 of them are in diapers, plus you wouldn't believe the laundry I have to do a day. We've been pinching pennies so much, that there were no more pennies to be pinched. Gas money we would have to borrow from his mom and dad. Thank God for PARENTS!!!!!! I told me husband a few weeks ago that his unemployment would go through about the time we do our taxes. Boy did I have that one called all right. So as you can see the unemployment checks and the taxes are an answered prayer from GOD!!!!! Just trust in him.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Emergency Room embarrassment
A couple of weeks ago I had to take my almost 4 year old daughter to the Emergency Room. As you walk into the ER there is an area where the nurse asks you questions and then you go across the hall and do the billing. Well anyway the nurse saw on the chart as she was writing that Kylie's birthday was close and she asked Kylie " Well I see you have a birthday coming and if your 3 now, how old are you going to be on your birthday"? My daughter looks at her with a really serious look on her face and her hands in the air and says to the nurse " well what do you think"? My face got fire engine red instantly and I told her " Kylie you don't talk like that ". She looks back at me and said " Well mom she asked a stupid question ". I was so embarrassed, but I couldn't help but laugh.
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