My husband went to work on Tuesday morning and the boss asked him to take the work 4 wheeler and got fix the fence to the cow pasture. He asked the boss for someone to go with him to help him. The boss said there wasn't really anyone left to help, so my husband went alone. Well on the other side of the fence that he had to fix is a really steep hill and it drops off on the back side of it into gully. When Kirk pulled up to this part to fix it the ground on this hill gave way and the 4 wheeler ended up upside down on top of Kirk pinning him there and no way out. Kirk was pinned between the 4 wheeler and a barbed wire fence and the fence was pressed into his groin area. He tried and tried to get out but no luck. He yelled and yelled for help and still nothing. He said all he could do was pray and pray some more that God would help him. After lying there for 30 minutes and no help he managed to get the wire out of his groin and squirmed out from underneath it. He got out just in time, because the wire fence broke lose and the 4 wheeler rolled down the hill 4 more times and if he didn't get when he did he would have gone with the 4 wheeler. The lord was watching out for Kirk, but the lord also had Kirk just where he wanted him. Kirk has been going through a hard time right now and always feeling depressed. He wanted to leave me and the kids, because he was sick of fighting all the time, but you see the lord had him right where he wanted him to realize things in his life were not right and that he needed to wake up and change some things in his life. Kirk says he knows that the lord was with him and he is so thankful for giving him a wake up call and another chance to live for him. I'm thankful for the lord doing a work in our lives and trusting that he will help us along the way.